Elite Futsal Athletes: Biological Individuality Profile
Studies based on Dermatoglyphics state that the complexity of fingerprints drawings can observe genotype and fetal development characteristics, so this method can be an
important tool in observing neuromotor potential characteristics (3).
Purpose: To analyse the dermatoglyphic profile of elite futsal athletes compared to non-athletes group.
The sample was composed by 340 male individuals, divided into two groups: Group A (GA) composed by 170 professional Futsal athletes (Age 26,7±4,6) and Group B (GB) composed by 170 non-athlete individuals (Age 22,4±3,8). Was observing gender and have no significant differences on age. For this study were collected as anthropometric data, just Dermatoglyphics. The GA is composed by the three best teams in the Italian and Portuguese Cup, Spanish King's Cup and the Brazilian Futsal League's 2011 season. The protocol chosen was the Dermatoglyphic proposed by Cummins & Midlo (1), and for the capture, processing and fingerprint analysis, was used the Leitor Dermatoglífico (Dermatoglyphic Reader, Salus Dermatoglifia, Luzerna, Brazil) validated by Nodari Junior (2).
For the statistical analysis was established the level of significance p<0.05. In comparing the amounts of lines between GA and GB, to observe the normality distribution, was used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The observation of non-normal distribution, applies to the inference Nonparametric Mann-Whitney Test for comparisons between numeric variables. To compare categorical variables: Arc (A), Loop Radial (LR), Loop Ulnar (LU), Whorl (W), the chi-square test was used, and when found significant differences, applied to Waste Analysis adjusted (Raj>1.96).
For the numeric variables comparison, the result shows that the number of ridges of six possible variables in the fingerprint, is significantly higher in GA compared to GB in the line summation of the respective fingers. For the rare marks analysis between GA and GB, referring to qualitative variables, i.e., the figure type noted significant differences in the following fingers GA: Finger Thumb Left Hand (MET1; p=0.22), with higher amount of W (Raj=2.1235); Finger thumb Right Hand (MDT1; p=0.07), with higher amount of W (Raj=2.8398); Ring finger of the right hand (MDT3; p=0.024), with higher amount of LR (Raj=2.1173); Minimum and Finger of Right Hand (MDT5; p=0.040), higher amount of LR (Raj=2.5408).
The results reflect the Dermatoglyphic profile of the high performance futsal athlete has significant differences compared to non-athlete population, so the Dermatoglyphic can be able to serve as a guidance tool for sports talents.
For the quantities of lines the following indicators must be observed being the data presented characteristics of high performance athletes: With regard to rare marks should be noted the presence of the following figures: W in MET1 and MDT1 and LR in MDT3 and MDT5.
1. Cummins H, Midlo CH. Finger Prints, Palms and Soles an Introduction to Dermatoglyphics. Dover Publications, New York 1961.
2. Nodari Junior RJ, Heberle A, Ferreira-Emygdio R, Knackfuss MI. Dermatoglyphics: correlation between software and traditional method in kineanthropometric application. Rev Andal Med Deporte 2014; 7(2): 60-65.
3. Serhiyenko LP, Lyshevska VM. A dermatoglyphics of foot in the prognosis of sporting gift: differential distinctions of dermatoglyphics of foot for sportsmen and people which do not go in for sports. Pedagog Psychol Med-Biol Probl Phys Train Sports 2013; 2: 66-69.